How to create an ECO-AWESOME ceremony | By Julia Handford

How to create an ECO-AWESOME ceremony | By Julia Handford
June 30, 2019 Sandra Henri

Image by Nina Hamilton


Creating an eco-friendly wedding can often involve the accumulation of lots of little green wedding ideas. Today, let’s explore your ceremony. 

Here are some easy ways you can make your wedding ceremony a hit with Mother Nature ☺


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Image by My Kindred


  1. Use eco-friendly confetti;

When you really think about it, a lot of manufacturing goes into making something as simple as confetti. Additionally, it’s a single use item, so let’s make it as earth friendly as possible. Luckily you have lots of options:

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Image by Sandra Henri Photography


  1. Ditch the idea of printing out unnecessary signage and order of service booklets;

A friendly Celebrant can do the same job as a ‘welcome to the wedding’ sign as well as those ‘reserved seating’ signs that are destined to blow away with the wind. And who really keeps those order of service booklets anyway?

Alternatively, hire some chalk board art, which supports a local artisan!


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Wedding hire by The Rustic Barn


  1. Don’t release balloons, why not try something else symbolic like a romantic ‘wine box ceremony’ instead? 

It’s common knowledge now that balloons aren’t great for the environment whereas choosing a favourite bottle of wine and storing it with some love letters will make for a meaningful momento to enjoy over a special anniversary in years to come.


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Image by Jonathon Suckling. Rose petals by Church Confetti.


  1. Car pool or use public transport;

Lower those greenhouse gas emissions, save on petrol AND have more pre-wedding fun. It’s a win/win.


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Image by Elin Bandmann


  1. Choose environmentally friendly wedding rings;

Choosing a jeweller who is passionate about sustainable and ethical sourcing of gold and gems is your first step. You may even wish to re-make family jewellery into a new bespoke piece. We have LOTS of stunning jewellery options on our directory (because even us Less Stuff girls like a bit of eco luxe).


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Ethical jeweller Zoe Pook


  1. Print your vows onto lovely recycled paper;

You’d be surprised about the range of earth friendly papers available, from recycled cotton, to seeded cards and even elephant dung papers! If you’re crafty you could display your vow cards later in a scrap book or frame.


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Stationary by Letterbox Press


  1. Let nature do the styling for you;

Choose a ceremony space that is already naturally beautiful so you don’t need to worry about ceremony props like decorations, arbours or flashy floral installations. We are all about less stuff more meaning after all ☺


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Image by Lina Hayes


  1. Source flowers that are in season for your bouquets and button holes/corsages;

Your flowers will look better, smell better and stay fresher for longer, not to mention a squillion times better for the environment than heavily chemically treated imported florals.


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Image by Strawberry Fields Photography, Bouquet by Flowers by Melly B


  1. RIP Pampass grass and other noxious weeds;

Spread the word, Pampass grass is so yesterday. Why? Because it’s actually classified as a noxious weed, that spreads prolifically. And your florist risks getting fined for it’s use! ABC News did a wonderful story on this recently. 


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Keep our natural environment free from weeds. Image by Fox & Kin.


10. Lucky last, select local suppliers for your ceremony.

They will look better, smell better, stay fresher for …haha just joking ☺

The fact of the matter is, there are awesome photographers, celebrants, musicians and hire companies in practically every single suburb. Support local business!


Image by Jon Harris Weddings


You’ll find lots on our Directory.

By Julia Handford, of Julia’s Celebrant Agency, for Less Stuff, More Meaning.


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