Image by Alexi Lubomirski.
With only four weeks to go until the big day, Meghan and Harry better get a move on with planning! Let’s get stuck in.
There are some things you can skip when it comes to weddings, but a venue and a celebrant are compulsory. You must get married somewhere, and you must have someone legally marry you. Even though these are mandatory, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with them. Meghan and Harry have a fine balance to tackle. On one hand, they owe it to the royal family to uphold traditions and respect historic customs. But, on the other hand, their modern flare on things already (e.g. their bold way of coming out to the public, and PDA), leads us to think that the 19th of May, may hold some surprises.
What we know: Meghan and Harry have chosen to get married at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. The service will begin at 1200. The Dean of Windsor, The Rt Revd. David Conner, will conduct the service. The most Revd. And Rt Hon, Justin Webly, Archbishop of Canterbury, will officiate as the couple make their marriage vows.
Image via Royal.uk
We doubt the couple had a choice in their marriage celebrant, but we do know that choosing a celebrant to fit you is one of the best ways to personalise your wedding. After all, they are the ones leading the ceremony, and their personality and style can shift the vibe of your day in many ways. We get that tradition comes into it, and respecting those who came before you, is important. But if the couple are brave enough (it is 2018 after all), and have the opportunity to sway from the norm, our team of funky, alternative celebrants would LOVE to fly over and officiate alongside the reverends. Meghan and Harry, you just say the word.
If it were up to us, the ceremony would be a lot different to how we expect it will be. We envision Harry and Meghan walking down the isle together, perhaps their close friends and family following behind. Does Meghan really need to be ‘given away’? Is she property? Imagine if they implemented Sarah Tolmie’s circle of love; Meghan and Harry standing in the centre, all their loved ones surrounding them, hands touching and connecting every person to everyone else. After a few moments… they have to hug their way out! What a way to start their wedding with close knit connection and love.
Sarah Tolmie’s Circle of Love Ceremony. Copyright of Sarah Tolmie. Image by Sandra Henri Photography.
To incorporate other cultures into their ceremony, they could practice the Celtic hand fasting tradition, or even Indian wedding traditions involving henna dye. Harry has a deep connection with Botswana, so who knows if some African flair will be woven into their wedding? What a statement it would be to demonstrate their inclusivity, and show they respect and honour cultures other than their own.
Image via Rhino Conservation Botswana.
St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, is out of this world amazing. Meghan and Harry chose the place for it’s cosiness, but did they release it’s a super sustainable wedding venue too? “Cathedral thinking” is the basis of sustainable design. The chapel was established in the 14th century, and has been looked after immaculately since. Cathedral structures are built with longevity in mind, allowing for the building to become rich with stories, meaning, and sentimental value.
With Prince Charles in attendance, an organic gardener, surely their waste will be composted and used to make the royal gardens flourish. As the queen has already banned plastic straws and bottles from royal estates, we can imagine the refreshments will be served in reusable vessels, reducing the footprint of the royal eco wedding massively. No doubt they’ll be busting out their finest china sets!
Artisan wedding styling by Rell&Co.
To continue reducing their ‘wedding footprint’ in greater ways, Meghan and Harry have a lot of thinking to do. With thousands of guests attending (not to mention all the media present), the carbon emissions of travel will be a huge off-set for them to conquest. Yet, it’s not impossible. There are several ways for their guests to do this. They can choose airlines with carbon offsetting programs, carpooling, or even use companies like Watch My Wedding who allow guests to stream into the wedding from afar – though we’ll all be doing this through the television anyway! The couple could also follow in the footsteps of the Royals in Bhutan. When there is a royal birth, wedding, or other occasion, people all over the country plant trees and nourish them as if they were nourishing the marriage, child, or individual. Not only is this symbolism at it’s finest, but an incredible way to give back to the environment.
Meghan and Harry have recently come out with news that is music to our ears (perhaps they really are listening!). In lieu of wedding presents, guests have been asked to donate to seven charities of their choice. The charities they’ve chosen are based upon the issues that Meghan and Harry are both personally passionate about. They include sport for social change, women’s empowerment, conservation, the environment, homelessness, HIV and the Armed Forces. This must be music to the ears of guests too… what on earth would you gift a royal couple who seemingly have everything?! Gifting an experience would be another fantastic idea for the couple. Perhaps William and Kate can gift them a voucher for a double date sky diving sometime? We can see it now! Meghan and Harry must know that their influential power may never be greater than on this special day, with the whole world watching. We congratulate and applaud them for incorporating so many eco-ethical elements into their day.
Image via Royal.uk
So, Meghan and Harry, have exactly 30 days left until they wed. We can imagine the fuss and pressure is getting to them, but we hope like mad they’re able to focus on their marriage too; not just their special day. It’s far too easy to forget that there is life after a wedding that you must prepare for. Harry has declared they will not be signing a prenuptial agreement (we applaud you Harry), and they’ve begun marriage counselling too. Working with a professional to talk openly about your potential difficulties, opposing ideas, but also successes, can be a great way to set off your marriage with intent and openness. We’ve had amazing feedback from couples who carry out Sarah Tolmie’s relationship coaching services.
Traditions, celebrants, venues, marriage counselling, we’ve hit some big topics this week. We’d love to know what type of celebrant you’d pair with Harry and Meghan, or if you have tips for the couple’s happy marriage!
Image via Royal.uk