A forest elopement with all the feels

A forest elopement with all the feels
December 19, 2019 Sandra Henri

Images by Emma Nayler


Nathan and Mirindi had originally planned a “wedding wedding” with all the fanfare, however as the planning started to become more in-depth, the feeling of overwhelm set in. This was enough to nudge them towards an elopement shared with family; where they could truly be themselves and let their emotions shine through without the pressure to be on stage in front of a crowd.

“We aren’t into huge crowds or social pressures involved with large celebrations, so choosing a small and intimate moment for our marriage was an easy choice and not one single regret”.

Together with Jo from Hitching Post, Mirindi and Nathan found a forest gem where they could wed with presence and calm.



The tears flowed when Mirindi and Nathan first laid eyes on each other, and don’t we love a groom who can truly show what’s in his heart!

“We met via my cousin and I thought he was funny, sweet, charismatic and hardworking, he of course thought I was just simply AMAAAZZZINNNNGG  *…ahem…* in full disclosure he actually isn’t here while I write this, but I feel like I have it on good authority that those are his feels because of the possible happy tears he shed at our wedding”.



Having this opportunity to express their intentions and love, was a way for Mirindi and Nathan to invest in their relationship.

“We choose to be “present” in our relationship and in the little world that we are creating together. Not to get waylaid by material belongings and instead making a conscious effort to investing our time in the things that are important to us rather than “keeping up with the Jones’s”.



“We have been through a lot over the last couple of years and it is a true testament to the love and the level of care that we share with one another. I know that I personally feel very grateful for the thought, consideration and humor that Nathan shows me every day. I appreciate the little things that he does to make my life easier, from having the house spotless if he gets home from work before me, taking me out to get caffeinated for a cute coffee date. If he knows that I have had an overwhelming day you can bet I will walk into the house and there will be a hot cuppa and a bubble bath waiting for me.”



We often say that all you need to get married is two people in love, a fabulous celebrant; plus cake. Mirindi and Nathan were on the same page.

“It was important to us to make sure we could give our witnesses that were in attendance a complete flavor sensation with a celebration slice of nomness and of course some bubbles to toast. Lorna from Cake Alchemy certainly delivered and went above and beyond to exceed our expectations. Our mums and Nathans siblings left the forest caked out and happy.”



“Every day we grow as individual people and of course as a couple. There are the occasional up and downs in our relationship, but we use those as stepping stones to understand each other a little more and be able to strengthen who we are as a couple from those moments, so they aren’t unwelcomed interruptions when they happen they make us stronger.”

We wish them a lifetime of appreciation and deepening love.


Images by Emma Nayler.

Married by Jo from Hitching Post.



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