Image by Elin Bandmann
The planet is in crisis, our leaders are heartless, and it can be hard to remain positive at times. What do to? Who knows?!
But here are some cute doggies at weddings, just to make us feel better.
Images by Aimee Catt, Kylie Knight, All My Wednesdays
You’re starting to feel better already aren’t you? Images by Fox & Kin.
The go-pro doggie and offical videographer. Images by Elin Bandmann.
Image by White Lane Studio
Dogs are always a good idea at weddings. Images by Jon Harris.
A dogs purpose: be adored. Images by Fox and Kin (above) and Aimee Catt (below).
Did someone say cheese? Image by Aimee Catt
Nailed the family photo Elin Bandmann!
Cuteness! Image by Lina Hayes.
Yep, just add dogs. Image by Fox & Kin.