Bill and Jan; these two lovebirds participated in their very first photo shoot, to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, thanks to their wedding photographer granddaughter Holly Prins. We chatted with them to find out more about their lasting love (and chemistry!).
‘We were married in St Albans church at Corrimal on a rainy Friday night on the 21st August 1959, an old saying it is good luck if it rains on your wedding day. We had a weekend honeymoon at the beautiful Carrington hotel in Katoomba, that was all we could afford as we had bought our block of land.
We met when we were 17 and 19 year olds I would walk home from work each day. One day Bill stopped and offered me a lift, which I accepted, and from then on it happened daily. Going to the movies on a Saturday night and Sunday drives was our entertainment.
From the very beginning we have done things together starting with building our home which we still live in. Bill was the builder and I was his offsider.
We went on to have three lovely daughters who each kept us busy with sports and other activities.
We are lucky to have the same interests in life. We loved travelling the outback over many years, and now it’s playing golf and looking after our garden amongst other things.
Here Bill is pretending to unbutton Jan’s top; Jan said ‘we will be here the rest of this day with all of this eye contact, thanks Holly’. Bill added ‘can’t wait for the sun to go down’ to which Jan quickly replied ‘you never wait for the sun to go down usually’.
Bill has always been a gentle, honest person, never in a hurry. Me, I was always in a hurry, but it has worked for us. They say opposites attract. Bill still opens doors for me and we always share – if there is only one, we halve it. We have had our differences but get over them as quick as they start.
Our lives are fulfilled with 8 grandchildren 10 great grandchildren (so far). We are blessed. We have a lifetime of memories which we talk about often, and we would do it all again.’ Jan & Bill.
Images thanks to Holly Prins of The Evoke Company.