Eco Florists unite at the Mindfully Wed workshop

Eco Florists unite at the Mindfully Wed workshop
October 8, 2019 Sandra Henri


A few months ago I put a simple call out on social media…who would be interested in an eco-wedding business workshop? Well we had an overwhelming response from Florists wishing to ditch the floral foam, and grow their sustainable floristry businesses. Fast forward a few months later, and we held our very first (sold out!) Mindfully Wed workshop, alongside Aga Jones Flowers, Crofters Fold Farmhouse, and Wild Flora Studio; sponsored with thanks by Peppermint Magazine.



The best thing about gathering together with like-minds? The amazing community spirit! It was such an enriching and energising experience to be surrounded by so many curious, passionate and wise souls, all contributing their own learning. Community over competition is what us heart led entrepreneurs do best!

Some innovative new ideas emerged from group discussions, including:

  • How can we make farm direct florals more accessible to florists? Florists are eager to support the organic flower farm industry, yet often spend a whole day driving to various farms to pick up their supply. Could we create a central market for small scale farmers?
  • How can we reduce floral waste following weddings and close the loop with Farmers who need compost? A little more complex, given the time required to bump out from weddings, yet an important discussion to emerge and explore.


All blooms at our workshop were locally grown, seasonal, foraged and organic where possible


We started our day with a cleansing ceremony by Botanical Goddess to calm and centre ourselves. Snezana invited the spirits of plants, the land and our own energy, so we could commence with mindfulness and purpose. We wrote down the fears we wished to release, and Snezana later burned these for us in a releasing ritual. I’d love to hear your feedback, but for me in the week following our event, so many amazing things have started coming my way!


Smudging ceremony by Botanical Goddess


We went on to discuss communicating your brands story, and finding the voice that defines you and your business. Wild Flora Studio shared from her 30 years of Floristry experience, and was available throughout the afternoon to provide individual advice and business mentoring. And then what we were all here for, learning to create confidently without toxic floral foam. Aga Jones Flowers shared the mechanics of creating with recycled materials and bird/chicken wire, following which we formed 3 groups to each create a free flowing, abundant and wild ceremony centrepiece. Everyone also walked away with a business portrait of themselves.



We feasted (on goodies by The Social Foundry and Torte by Mirjana), we talked, connected, made new friends and left with fresh inspiration. In hindsight, our packed itinerary would have best been spread out over two days, which we’ll take on board for next time.

Here’s some feedback from participants;

“You know that feeling when you’re smiling on the inside. Everything in your day aligned. I invested in myself and discovered a whole new appreciation, passion, connections in my industry…LSMM has started the journey of creating with meaning”. My Floral Styling.

“Spent the day listening, learning, creating and connecting with like-minded florists, growers and suppliers to this wonderful industry. Feeling refreshed and optimistic about a more sustainable future for Wildflower and Twig”. Wildflower and Twig

“I feel like one of those things if you were Japanese, that you would put on the dashboard of your car with my head bobbling, nodding continuously and agreeing to everything everyone was saying, it was an absolute amazing day, thank you, thank you, thank you xxx” Snezana from Botanical Goddess.

Enjoy this little round up of our day together…Images by Less Stuff – More Meaning.



If you’re interested in attending one of our future wedding industry workshops, please GET IN TOUCH and we’d love to see what magic we can create together. Future workshops will be tailored to the expressed interests of participants, so don’t be shy to ask!

Much love,

Team Less. x

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